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Astron Clearsplint CAD/CAM Pro Super Economy Kit, 960g powder/ 720g monomer
Clearsplint® CAD/CAM pro – The ideal solution for indications such as relieving the joint in case of bruxism, protecting full metal crowns and implant-supported restorations, readjusting the bite etc. Benefits: Extremely break-proof, offers an optimal protection for the natural teeth Thermo-active flexibility for excellent, comfortable and stress-free wear Hypoallergenic, MMA-free (residual monomer MMA = 0 %) Self-adjusting with memory effect Long-lasting transparency – no yellow discoloration, as the material is free of amines Present the advantages of excellent wearing comfort and flexibility of the splint to your customers The splint is an optical highlight, because it remains complete transparet.
Tizian Blank Poly-Flex Splint, bulk pack, 24 pc
98 x 20 mm
...certified for use in the patient's mouth. They can be used as temporary dentures as well as permanent solutions or for orthodontic splints.Your benefits: Very high material homogeneity due to the industrial polymerization process. Balanced combination of breaking strength and elasticity for clinical use. This guarantees excellent long-term stability. Excellent abrasion resistance. Ensures high process reliability, no mixing errors, no polymerization shrinkage and no unpleasant odour, as no hand mixing or cartridge. Extended milling properties thanks to economical production. Long-lasting color stability and aesthetics. Natural fluorescence.
Tizian Blank PEEK White 98 x 10 mm,
10 mm
Produce a metal-free alternative to conventional dental restorations with Tizian Blank PEEK. Thanks to its excellent biocompatibility, this thermoplastic high-performance acrylic is ideal for the production of dental restorations for allergy patients. After proper surface conditioning, PEEK can be veneered with conventional veneering composites. Advantages Elastic Very smooth and compact surface, which gives the material a high resistance to plaque abrasion-stable, color-stable Outstanding stability Can be sterilized Extremely break-proof and resistant to bending Long-term chemical stability Exceptional anti-friction properties Can be processed with dry milling High biocompatibility Excellently suited for allergy patients Indications Tizian Blanks PEEK White can be processed with CAD/CAM technology to the following constructions: Crown caps as well as reduced crowns and bridges to be veneered with composite (max. 2 intermediate units and 13 mm² connector diameter) Fully anatomical crowns and bridges (max. 2 intermediate untis and 13 mm² connector diameter) Telescopic primary and secondary crowns (no conus crowns) Tertiary constructions on bars Screw fixed implant-supported constructions Technical properties Density 1.5 g/cm³ Rockwell hardness 105 M CTE (23 °C-55 °C) 0.25 W/(mK) Melting temperature 300 °C Minimal insertion temperature -50 °C Flammability V0 Water absorption (23 °C) 0.4 % Tensile strength >, 100 MPa Extension 20 % E-module >, 4000 MPa
Tizian Blank Occlusal 16er x 16 mm, Zirconium Dioxide
16 mm
The slightly translucent and isostatically pressed zirconium dioxide is used for carrying out monolithic and ceramic veneer work. Indications: Inlays, onlays, bridges (up to 16 units), crowns, can be veneered with ceramics (CTE 10,1), monolithic zirconium dentures and many more.
Tizian Blank High Translucent 98 x 14 mm, Zirconium Dioxide
14 mm
Tizian Blank High Translucent is made of a highly translucent zirconium dioxide material and is indicated for the production of partial and individual crowns, max. 3-unit bridges up to the premolars, inlays, onlays and veneers as well as implant-supported individual crowns on supraconstructions for anterior and posterior teeth. Tizian Blank High Translucent can be designed in a reduced shape to be veneered with ceramics or it can be designed in a fully anatomical fashion. Because of its excellent aesthetics, the material is extremely well suited to restorations in the anterior tooth sector. Conventionally available coloring liquids for zirconium dioxide are suited to coloring this material, according to the instructions of the coloring liquids manufacturer. The blanks are processed with mills for Tizian zirconium dioxide and the zirconium dioxide milling strategies preset in the Tizian milling systems.
Tizian Blank NEM fine 98 mm
8 mm
Tizian Blanks NEM (non-precious metal) are made of beryllium-free and cadmium-free CoCr ceramic alloy according to DIN EN OSP 22674 and EN ISO 9693 for applications with thin cross-sections which are exposed to extreme forces. Examples are removable partial dentures, clasps, thin veneered individual crowns, fixed full arch dentures or bridges with small cross-sections, bars, fixations, implant-supported supraconstructions. Properties: Alloy type: 4Density: 8.8 g/cm³Vickers hardness: 285 HV 10/30CTE- value (25-500 °C): 14,4*10-6 K-1Oxidation without vacuum (Point 4c): 1000 °CMass content of the components (in weight-%)*: Co 63, Cr 29, Mo 6 / Mn x, Nb x, Si x, Fe xTensile strength: 680 MPa0.2 % yield point: 400 MPaElongation at break: 9 %E-module: 250 GPa *X= <, 1%
Tizian Blank PEEK 98 x 16 mm,
16 mm
Milled blanks made from polyether ether ketone (PEEK) are ideally suited to the manufacture of removable replacement teeth. With suitable surface conditioning, PEEK can be dressed with common veneer composites. Benefits for you: Good gliding properties, so an ideal replacement for Galvanic electroplating High plaque resistance High elasticity at low E modulus MMA and benzoyl peroxide free Break resistant and highly resistant to chemicals X ray opaque Can be sterilised
Tizian Blank 16er x 12 mm, Zirconium Dioxide
12 mm
Mill bridges, crowns and other frameworks for ceramic veneering in excellent quality using this isostatically pressed zirconium dioxide. Indications: Bridges (up to 16 units), crowns, can be veneered with ceramic (CTE 10.6x10-6K-1), Maryland bridges and many more.
Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite 98 x 16 mm, Color: A1
A1 / 16 mm
This milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide combines the benefits of both materials. The blanks are available in two heights and various tooth colors. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures a high level of comfort for patients. The ""buffer function"" helps spread the mastication forces at any point. An important aspect, not only for implant treatment. Prepare permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. The final restoration is veneered with composite (e.g. dialog Occlusal). Due to its excellent physical properties, the material is also suitable for CMD- and bruxism-patients. Tizian Zirconia Reinforced Composite veneered with dialog Occlusal (Item no. 643610) lets you copy the physics of nature in accordance with the bionic principle. The flexible framework made from Tizian Zirconia Reinforced Composite acts as a buffer that distributes pressure evenly. This reduces the strain on jaw bones and jaw joints. Due to its adapted hardness, the veneer made from dialog Occlusal is gentle on the antagonists and abrasion-resistant at the same time. Indications: can be veneered with composites (for permanent restaurations) temporary bridges (up to 16 units) temporary frameworks for implant-supported constructions individual crowns Veneers Onlays Inlays and much more "
Tizian Blank PMMA Transparent Splint 2.0, 98 mm in bulk pack, 24 pc
16 mm
Used for the fabrication of temporary crowns and bridges to replace teeth or groups of teeth. Use in all open CAD-CAM systems Your benefits: Very high material homogeneity due to the industrial polymerization process. Balanced combination of breaking strength and elasticity for clinical use. This guarantees excellent long-term stability. Excellent abrasion resistance. Ensures high process reliability, no mixing errors, no polymerization shrinkage and no unpleasant odour, as no hand mixing or cartridge. Extended milling properties thanks to economical production. Long-lasting color stability and aesthetics. Natural fluorescence.
Tizian Blank MT + 98 mm
16 mm, A1
"with graduated light transmission translucence of 49 % to 45 % Special features:Following the trend, a blank that combines the positive properties of the already established zirconium oxide qualities 4Y-TZP and the highly translucent 5Y-TZP in the enamel and in the body. Suitable for: highly esthetic monolithic, fully anatomic crowns, partial crowns and bridges with up to 14 units, inlays, onlays, veneers and abutments. Due to its high esthetics, it is particularly suitable for the anterior and visible tooth area. All processing techniques are possible: Staining, cut-back and veneering techniques are possible. The combination of 4Y (Extra Translucent with high strength) and 5Y (High Translucent with high translucency) results in improvements in the esthetic effect and safety for an unrestricted indication range of restorations. In addition to a smooth transition between the layers within the blank or restoration, we were able to achieve improved esthetics in relation to the Vita Classical Shade Guide. Graduated strength The smooth transition between the layers results in a graduated strength within the blank or restoration. This makes Tizian Blank MT + suitable for almost all indications. Material Zirconium dioxide type II, class 5 according to DIN EN ISO 6872 Flexural strength: typical mean value ? 1,100 MPa Translucence graduation of <
priti®multidisc ZrO2 Multi Translucent 98 x 16 mm, Colour A1
16 mm / A1
Aesthetics and durability combined to create a true multi-talent. The wonderful result of a merger between stability and natural beauty.Our new multi-talent is the ideal product to support you along your individual path to highly aesthetic and durable dental restorations. This blank follows the trend to combine the positive features of the already established zirconium quality of 3Y-TZP and the highly translucent 5Y-TZP. Just imagine mixing two different material classes... What could result from it is a unique raw material combination of a high-strength and highly translucent ZrO2. We just did it! When adding our new and innovative TILLY philosophy, the result was a multi-talented product which defines a completely new generation! Produce individual restorations for the anterior and posterior sector on natural tooth stumps and implants with priti®multidisc ZrO2 Multi Translucent.The special feature: graduation of shade and translucency with a simultaneous high flexural strength. These characteristics make priti®multidisc ZrO2 Multi Translucent an extraordinary and flexible choice for a wide range of indications.Benefits Excellent dental aesthetics Naturally graduated shade and translucency High stability: flexural strength >, 1,100 MPa (typical average) All processing techniques: painting technique, cut-back technique, veneering technique Quick sintering, complete processing time ca. 4 hours, released for up to 3 unit restorations High translucency in the incisal sector (>, 49 %), mechanical load capacity in the dentin sector Which is technique is your favorite?Select from these techniques: painting technique, cut-back technique, veneering technique. Indications: Individual restorations for the anterior and posterior sector on natural tooth stumps and implants Highly aesthetic monolithic fully anatomic crowns, partial crowns and bridges of up to 14 units Inlays, onlays, veneers and abutments Quick sintering of restorations with up to 3 units Facts: Zirkonium dioxide type II, class 5 accordingt to DIN EN ISO 6872 Flexural strength: typical average ? 1,100 MPa Translucency graduation of <, 40 % to >, 49 % Thin wall thickness, in the anterior sector 0.4 mm and in the posterior sector 0.6 mm for individual crowns Precise margins and edges due to high density material Can be veneered with all ceramics which are adapted to the CTE of 10 · 10-6 · K-1 von ZrO2 Color stability across the batches Homogeneous coloration Reproducible colors Biocompatible
Tizian Blank NEM HIP 98 mm
10 mm
Bei den Tizian Blanks NEM HIP handelt es sich um eine Nickel- und Berylliumfreie nichtedelmetallhaltige Dentallegierung auf Kobaltbasis Typ 5 gem. DIN EN ISO 22674 und EN ISO 2016TIZIAN BLANK NEM HIP ist eine nickel- und berylliumfreie, edelmetallfreie Dentallegierung auf Kobaltbasis (Typ 5) für die Bearbeitung von metallkeramischen Zahnrestaurationen. Das Vorhandensein von Molybdän sorgt dafür, dass die Legierung bei hohen Temperaturen stabil ist und sich leichter mit der Keramik verbinden lässt.Das Zeichnet NEM HIP aus:Der Blank – Für alle mit dem Drang zur Perfektion.Einzigartige Herstellungsmethode (HIP = Heiß-Isostatisch-Gepresst)Nahezu frei von Lunkern und verschiedener Art (˜0,03% Poriösität)verbesserte statische und dynamische EigenschaftenRohstoff für Blankherstellung ist reinstes CoCr PulverNickel- und BerylliumfreiNahezu frei von KohlenstoffGleichmäßig hohe DichteVerblendbar mit allen handelsüblichen, normalexpandierenden KeramikmassenIhre Vorteile:Hervorragend zu fügen, keine RissbildungSehr gutes Preis-/LeistungsverhältnisMinimierung der AusschussrateGleichmäßige QuältitätAnwendungsbereich:EinzelkronenBrücken in jeder Spannweite für die Verblendung mit DentalkeramikKonus- und TeleskoptechnikPrimär- und SekundärteileImplantatkonstruktionenStegarbeiten
priti®multidisc ZrO2 multicolor High Translucent, 98x 14, Colour A light
98 x 14 mm / A light
Cubic zirconium, with a translucency of 49 %. Indications: Highly aesthetic monolithic, fully anatomical crowns, partial crowns and bridges with up to 3-units, inlays, onlays and veneers Highly recommended for partially or fully veneered highly aesthetic work Your benefits: highly aesthetic quick easy reproducible Suitable for: open milling system with a blank holder for round blanks with a diameter of 98.5 mm Material: Zirconium type II, class 4 according to DIN EN ISO 6872 Good flexural strength of >, 650 MPa Very high translucency of 49 %, comparable with lithium disilicate Superior aesthetics Very good resistance to aging Thin wall thicknesses for single crowns in the anterior tooth area 0.4 mm and in the posterior tooth area 0.6 mm Biocompatible
Tizian Blank Translucent 16er x 16 mm, Zirconium Dioxide
16 mm
Highly translucent zirconium oxide blanks for best aesthetics. You can mill both monolithic and ceramic veneered crowns and bridges from this material. Indications: Inlays, onlays, bridges (up to 16 units), crowns, Maryland bridges and many more, can be veneered with ceramics (CTE 10.0x10-6K-1)
Tizian Blank Occlusal 98 x 10 mm, Zirconium Dioxide
10 mm
The slightly translucent and isostatic pressed zirconium oxide is used for carrying out monolithic and ceramic veneer work. Indications: Inlays, onlays, bridges (up to 16 units) crowns, can be veneered with ceramics (CTE 10,1x10-6K-1), monolithic zirconium provisions and many more.
priti®multidisc ZrO2 multicolor Extra Translucent, 98 x 14, Color A dark
98 x 14 mm / A dark
There is a new zirconium dioxide for everyone!priti®multidisc ZrO? multicolor Extra Translucent with a translucence of 45 % and flexural strength >, 1,150 MPa. A cleverly devised zirconium dioxide concept which is an outstanding choice for almost every user. It makes working matchlessly easy. Beautiful &, strong! Real aesthetics - one fits all! Indications: priti®multidisc ZrO? Extra Translucent are excellently suited to the production of monolithic fully anatomic and partially or fully veneered crowns and bridges with up to 16 units individual abutments for anterior and side teeth on abutment teeth and implants What makes this product so special is its well-balanced relationship between high transparency and flexural strength. This indicates it for an especially wide range of indications.Material: Zirconium dioxide type II, class 5 according to DIN EN ISO 6872 Flexural strength >, 1,150 MPa Exceptional transparency of 45 % Thin wall thickness in the anterior tooth range of 0.4 mm and in the side tooth range of 0.6 mm for individual crowns Precise margins and edges because of a highly condensed material Can be veneered with close to every commercially available ceramic material which is adjusted to the CTE 10 · 10-6 K-1 of ZrO? Batch-independent color accuracy Homogeneous colorization Reproducible colors Biocompatible
Tizian Blank 98 x 10 mm, Zirconium Dioxide
10 mm
You can mill very high quality bridges, crowns and other frameworks for ceramic veneering using this isostatically pressed zirconium oxide. Indications: Bridges (up to 16 units), crowns, can be veneered with ceramic (CTE 10.6 x 10-6K-1), Maryland bridges and much more.
EUTITAN Grade 2 98 x 10 mm,
EUTITAN Grade 2 98 x 10 mm
EUTITAN® blanks for use in CAD/CAM milling machines. EUTITAN pure titanium is a high quality material for the production of dental restorations, crowns and bridges from a CNC milling blank. For several years now, this material has been combining a well-known and appreciated biocompatibility with the desired consistent properties for its use in dental technology.Indications: Individual crowns in the anterior and posterior sector Bridge constructions in the anterior and posterior sector, with an appropriate cross-section Pure titanium grade 2, according to DIN ISO 5832-2Type 10, Ø 98.4 Pure titanium grade 4, according to DIN ISO 5832-2Type 10, Ø 98.4 EUTITAN® is a trademark of EUKAMED e.K.
Tizian Blank NEM 98 x 8 mm, CoCr
8 mm
Bei den Tizian Blank NEM handelt es sich um eine biokompatible NEM-Fräslegierung auf CoCr-Basis. Sie enthält kein Nickel oder Beryllium. Stellen Sie Ihre Kronen und Brücken mit Tizian Blanks NEM her. Extra dafür geeignete Haftoxidbildner sorgen für einen optimalen Metall-Keramikverbund. Durch eine Vickershärte von 320 HV10 lässt sich dieses CoCr-Material hervorragend fräsen und auch polieren. Indikationen: Kronen und Brücken, keramisch verblendbar Inlays und Onlays Abutments Sonderanfertigungen wie z. B. Freiendbrücken oder Geschiebeteile liegen im Verantwortungsbereich des Zahnarztes (Stabilitätsbewertung) Ihre Vorteile: Homogene Qualität Hohe Oberflächengüte Ideale Vickershärte (275 HV10) Frei von Molybdän für geschmeidigen Lauf von Teleskopkronen Sauberer Spanabtrag in der Verarbeitung für lange Lebensdauer der Fräsen Stabiler WAK-Wert für sicheres Verblenden Technische Daten: Dichte: 8,3 g/cm³ E-Modul: 190 GPa Vickershärte: > 275 HV10 Schmelzpunkt (Solidus/Liquidus): 1390 / 1415 °C WAK-Wert (25-500°C): 14,5 10-6K-1 Bruchdehnung: 10 %
priti®multidisc ZrO2 Translucent, 98 mm
12 mm / A1
Available in 16 VITA shades and in white, with a translucency of 40 %.Indications: Very aesthetic monolithic, fully anatomical crowns, partial crowns and bridges with up to 16-units, frameworks Highly recommended for partially or fully veneered aesthetic work Advantages of monochromatic precolored blanks Why use precolored material? Applying a penetrating, homogeneous stain to the material does away with the need for processes such as dipping, painting and drying. This does not only save time and effort, but it also helps to avoid potential manual errors during the staining process. This reduces production costs and your customers will appreciate the consistent and reproducible color quality. Since the material comes fully precolored, even finishing or adjustment grinding do not leave light spots, which would have a negative effect on the appearance of the finished product. Industrially precolored zirconium blanks are reproducible. Precolored material is gentle on your sintering furnace and protects its components from damage. Acid-based liquid stains can emit fumes during the sintering process which leave deposits on the the heating elements of the furnace and contaminate them. This can cause undesirable discoloration and/or loss of translucency. Using industrially precolored zirconium ensures consistent color results. Suitable for: open milling system with a blank holder for round blanks with a diameter of 98.5 mm Material: Zirconium type II, class 5 according to DIN EN ISO 6872 Good flexural strength of >, 1,100 MPa High translucency of 40 % High aesthetics Very good resistance to aging Thin wall thicknesses for single crowns in the anterior tooth area 0.4 mm and in the posterior tooth area 0.6 mm Biocompatible
Tizian Blank Color low 98 x 10 mm, Pre-Colored Zirconium Dioxide
low / 10 mm
The already pre-colored zirconium blanks are gentle on your sinter furnace and save you time, due to clean sintering without any additional coloring liquid. Indications: Bridges (up to 16 units), crowns, can be veneered with ceramics (CTE 10,1x10-6K-1), Maryland bridges and much more.
A1 / 12 mm
Mill temporary crowns and bridges for the posterior and anterior tooth sectors with the new PMMA Multi Blanks U which are available in several tooth shades. These high quality CAD/CAM blanks made of PMMA with color pigments show a natural dental color gradient from dentin to incisal area. This color effect gives you the advantage to create excellent esthetics almost automatically during milling. Indications: temporary crowns and bridges for the anterior and posterior tooth sectors
priti®multidisc ZrO2 Opaque, 98x 14, Colour A1
14 mm / A1
With a translucency of 35 %.Indications: Very aesthetic monolithic, fully anatomical crowns, partial crowns and bridges with up to 16-units, frameworks Recommended for covering discolored tooth stumps or metal structures Advantages of monochromatic precolored blanks Why use precolored material? Applying a penetrating, homogeneous stain to the material does away with the need for processes such as dipping, painting and drying. This does not only save time and effort, but it also helps to avoid potential manual errors during the staining process. This reduces production costs and your customers will appreciate the consistent and reproducible color quality. Since the material comes fully precolored, even finishing or adjustment grinding do not leave light spots, which would have a negative effect on the appearance of the finished product. Industrially precolored zirconium blanks are reproducible. Precolored material is gentle on your sintering furnace and protects its components from damage. Acid-based liquid stains can emit fumes during the sintering process which leave deposits on the the heating elements of the furnace and contaminate them. This can cause undesirable discoloration and/or loss of translucency. Using industrially precolored zirconium ensures consistent color results. Suitable for: open milling system with a blank holder for round blanks with a diameter of 98.5 mm Material: Zirconium type II, class 5 according to DIN EN ISO 6872 Good flexural strength of >, 1,150 MPa Very high translucency of 35 % Good aging resistance Thin wall thicknesses for single crowns in the anterior tooth area 0.4 mm and in the posterior tooth area 0.6 mm Biocompatible
Tizian Blank PMMA 20mm, color (A1), fluorescent, Enamel Plus Technology
Tizian Blank PMMA 20mm, Farbe UD1 (A1)
Aesthetic system for acrylic temporaries Produce long-term temporary crowns and bridges with the fluorescent Tizian Blanks PMMA in 5 special shades. They stand out with their extraordinary physical properties. Indications: long-term temporary restorations (up to six months), suitable for veneering with composite. Your benefits: Ready to be used in milling unit without curing Fast working time and low cost Excellent mechanical properties for long terms temporary Antagonist friendly Low monomer residual Physical data: Hardness Vickers: 140 MPaFlexural strength: Min. 125 MPaE-module: 2500 MPaWater solubility: 1,1 ?g/mm3Water absorption: 21.2 ?g/mm3Residual monomer: 0,6%
Tizian Blank 5.0 translucent
14 mm A1
Available in 7 VITA shades and in white, with a translucency of 40 %.Indications: Very aesthetic monolithic, fully anatomical crowns, partial crowns and bridges with up to 16-units, supra constructions Highly recommended for partially or fully veneered aesthetic work Advantages of monochromatic precolored blanksWhy use precolored material? Applying a penetrating, homogeneous stain to the material does away with the need for processes such as dipping, painting and drying. This does not only save time and effort, but it also helps to avoid potential manual errors during the staining process. This reduces production costs and your customers will appreciate the consistent and reproducible color quality. Since the material comes fully precolored, even finishing or adjustment grinding do not leave light spots, which would have a negative effect on the appearance of the finished product. Industrially precolored zirconium blanks are reproducible. Precolored material is gentle on your sintering furnace and protects its components from damage. Acid-based liquid stains can emit fumes during the sintering process which leave deposits on the the heating elements of the furnace and contaminate them. This can cause undesirable discoloration and/or loss of translucency. Using industrially precolored zirconium ensures consistent color results. Suitable for: open milling system with a blank holder for round blanks with a diameter of 98.5 mm Material: Zirconium type II, class 5 according to DIN EN ISO 6872 Good flexural strength of >, 1,150 MPa High translucency of 40 % High aesthetics Thin wall thicknesses for single crowns in the anterior tooth area 0.4 mm and in the posterior tooth area 0.6 mm Biocompatible
Tizian Blank Polycarbonate 98 x 16 mm, Color: A1
A1 / 16 mm
Tizian Blank Polycarbonat is used for the production of bite splints as well as temporary crowns and bridges in the incisal and premolar sector (wearing time maximal 12 months). The flexibility of the acrylic compensates imprecisions in design and possibly slightly diverging insertion vectors. The material is less prone to fractures than PMMA. Tizian Blank Polycarbonat can be used for the production of even very graceful constructions. This feature helps you create life-like tooth shapes. What's more, Tizian Blank Polycarbonat in the shade ""clear"" is highly suitable for the production of bite splints for upper and lower jaw. Polycarbonate is suited to dry milling. We recommend the use of a robust 5-axis milling system to process the material. shade A1, A2: Flexible acrylic for the production of individual crowns, wide-span bridges and long-term temporaries. shade clear: Flexible clear acrylic for the production of bite splints Material properties E-module: 2400 MPa Bending strength: 100 MPa
Tizian Blank PMMA 10-Layer 98 x 20 mm
"For top-class temporaries! PMMA material for highly aesthetic temporaries. 10-fold layer, virtually invisible transitions. Indications: Anterior and posterior temporary crowns Anterior and posterior temporary bridges with up to two consecutive bridge pontics Implantat-supported temporary restorations, maximum recommended wear time: 12 months Therapeutic splints (occlusal splints) Composition: Copolymer based on PMMA >
Astron Clearsplint Blank 98 x 20 mm,
Blank manufactured of CLEARsplint® - no mixing and refilling anymore. Ø 98 x 20 mm blank with shoulder for all conventional large milling units
Tizian Blank PMMA 98 x 20 mm, Color: A2
A2 / 20 mm
The tooth-colored Tizian Blanks PMMA are suited to the production of crowns and bridges as long-term temporaries. The advantage of these tooth-colored resin blanks is their excellent physical properties. All Tizian Blanks PMMA can be used with or without veneers. In addition, it is possible to check fit and function of the restorations on a plaster model. Indications: Long-term temporaries (up to 6 months), suited to veneering with composite.
Tizian flex splint comfort 98 x 16 mm,
Tizian flex splint comfort 98 x 16 mm
Specially designed for the production of splints Tizian flex splint comfort blanks have been developed for the production of dental splints with thermal effect. They stand out by their thermoplastic flexibility which lets the user achieve a highly precise fit to the individual dental situation. These characteristics ensure an exceptional and stressless wearing comfort for the patients. What's more, the self-adjusting Tizian flex splint comfort splints are extremely break-resistant and have a high transparency. An extraordinary material homogeneity is achieved by means of an industrial polymerization process. This guarantees an outstanding long-term stability. Processing the Tizian flex splint comfort blanks with CAD/CAM technology further ensures a safe procedure, since mixing errors (e.g. by manual mixing) are eliminated. In addition, the odors which occur during mixing are avoided. Your benefits: High transparency Extremely break-resistant and long-term stable Extraordinary wearing comfort for your patients free of MMA and BPO Safe procedure by means of CAD/CAM technology Indications: Therapeutic splints Reflex splints Stabilization splints Positioning splints Composition: <, 10 % 1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester >, 90 % poly(m)ethyl methacrylate, homopolymer
Tizian Blank PMMA 98 x 15 mm, Color: transpa
Tizian Blank PMMA 98 x 15 mm
Transparent PMMA with physical properties adjusted to those of natural teeth. This makes this material extremely gentle on the antagonists. The transparent Tizian Blanks PMMA will burn out residue-free. They are suited to the production of lost-material casting molds as well as to the production of functional splints and drilling templates. All Tizian Blanks PMMA can be used with or without veneers. In addition, it is possible to check fit and function of the restorations on a plaster model. Indications: Therapeutic splints, reflex splints, casting technology (material burns out), very dimensionally stable which makes it ideal for preliminary fittings.
Tizian Blank PMMA single-layer 98 mm
20 mm
"Tizian Blanks PMMA single-layer are made of pink PMMA. They are indicated for the production of denture bases. The material can be individualized with conventional denture colors. The material has good mechanical properties and reduced monomer content. PMMA pink is repairable, e. g. with FuturaJet pink, and very color stable. Indications: denture bases can be used with any regular system of milling CAD/CAM Properties:The blanks are manufactured with high molecular weight PMMA, the same as used in the manufacture ofartificial teeth, which provides greater strength and toughness, being suitable for use in the production of base dentures,splints and long-term dental crowns &
Tizian Blank Wax 98 x 16 mm, Wax, Color: brown
brown / 16 mm
Using this CAD/CAM blank you can mill your wax models and frameworks for moulding. The blank is available in several colors and heights. These blanks are characterised by a very good fit of subsequent work. Indications: Can be burned out as part of the casting technique during production of provisional restorations.